Sebastian Terry

Sebastian Terry

Inspirational Keynote Speaker  |  Best Selling Author  |  TV Host  |  Founder of The 100 Things Movement
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Speaker fees: We're not able to provide this information on the website. Please call us on 0450 077 997 for more information.

About Sebastian

“Appealing to the core of everybody, the 100 Things keynote has influenced tens of thousands of people from students to CEO’s throughout Australia and beyond. Delivered in 5 continents to date, ...”

Driven by a passion to see others achieve, Sebastian’s one-of-a-kind story has organically become a powerful catalyst for personal growth and organizational transformation.

Leveraging the power of goal setting & striving as a vehicle to maximize mental wellness, individual productivity and team engagement, Sebastian’s action-based keynote integrates individual evolution with professional development.

Shocked by the death of a close friend in his mid-twenties, Sebastian experienced a moment in his life where he asked himself a simple question; ‘Am I happy?’ The answer was NO, and so, he created a list of 100things that he hoped would transform his life. For over a decade Seb has been chasing down the goals on his list and teaching others how to do the same.

From marrying a stranger in Vegas (Goal #2) and delivering a baby (#23), to living on a deserted island for 1 week (#63) and even helping a quadreplegic man complete a half marathon by pushing him (#26), Sebastian’s story has been turned into a best selling book, his own reality show and a renowned keynote that has inspired millions of people around the world.

The impact of time and experience has helped shape Seb’s journey from the pursuit of fun and exciting life goals to the realization that these strategies transfer to the mechanics of organizational health.

Blending masterful storytelling with processes, research and data from the field, Sebastian’s keynote offers equal shots of inspiration, education, and entertainment, leaving his audience with a toolkit & mindset for ongoing growth.

Often noted as the highlight of any conference he presents at, Sebastian’s keynote is an experience that will make you audience laugh, think, cry and ultimately take action.

What people say about Sebastian

Seb’s philosophies, tools and processes will unleash anyone’s ability to put aside procrastination and prioritize what’s truly important to them in living a happier and healthier life. Time with Seb is a gift and one my whole team and I will forever be grateful for – it’s nothing short of life changing

– Nick Drake- CMO Google