To meet growth expectations, we must transform ourselves and our teams at a faster rate than the external environment is changing or else we risk a slow decline into irrelevancy. Given change isn’t slowing down, this is harder to do today than ever before. The path forward is to build organizations and teams capable of risk-taking, letting go of past successes in pursuit of a new, more vibrant future, and successfully navigating the business from one competitive advantage to the next.
In this engaging, case-study rich session, we will unlock the keys to accelerated transformation and growth by helping your leaders understand that:
1. Increasing agility is not about force or more communication, but about compressing the time between awareness of change and acceptance of change.
2. Creating a burning ambition over a burning platform is the key to sustained investment of their teams’ discretionary effort.
3. Successful transformation is not a byproduct of ambition and strategy, but of alignment. Leaders must change first because as goes their behavior so goes the rest of the organization.
4. Culture is a science, not an art and that they must intentionally pull the levers that create a growth-enabled culture defined by innovation, excellence, and accountability.
5. They must create the psychological safety that encourages risk-taking and helps their teams embrace progress over perfection