Nigel Collin

Nigel Collin

Speaker  |  Facilitator  |  Executive Coach
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About Nigel

“Making change happen. The right mindset and achievable process. It's a "Game of Inches". ...”

Nigel Collin is a change and leadership expert helping organisations make change happen by creating a mindset that change is a ‘Game of Inches’ and putting in place an achievable process of consistent and actionable steps.

Most people resist change because it seems too big, too hard and too scary. But change is achievable one small, doable step at a time. Change succeeds when a ‘Game of Inches’ philosophy is applied, rather than focusing on a one-off event.

The greatest collective loss of wealth happens within organisations because 70% of change initiatives simply don’t work. And they don’t work for two reasons. Firstly, they have the wrong mindset and secondly, they have the wrong process.

Nigel has a passion for understanding why businesses and organisations are successful. Through his research arm ‘Ingenious Oz Project’ and as the author of ‘Game of Inches’, he has analysed, over many years, 100s of successful businesses and distilled it into a process for change.

It is when your leaders and their teams take ownership of change and work towards it each and every day that excellence thrives.

Through Nigel’s ability as a storyteller, your audience will walk away inspired with actionable ideas they can implement immediately back in the workplace. He will share these with you and show you why his ‘Game of Inches’ process is so successful.

Watch Nigel in action

What people say about Nigel

“10 out 10…We love Nige. The participants loved Nige- They said he was easy to listen to, had great examples and inspirational. Nige showed how you can be innovative and creative in real-life examples.”

– Hearing Australia

‘Nigel managed to rack up the #1
spot of most highly evaluated

– Kevin White CSEP 2XPL, USA

‘In a nutshell, do what he says and
your business will improve. Simple
as that’.

– Siimon Reynolds, Author of best selling book "Why People Fail" and entrepreneur

‘What can I say – both of your
sessions were ABSOLUTE HITS at
our Sales Conference! In fact, in the
five years that I’ve been running our
Sales Conference, your feedback
and scores have been the highest
we have EVER SEEN!!’

– Ralph Parkhurst; Macquarie Telecom

‘I was invigorated & energised by
our discussion and it reaffirmed
for me my personal view on the
importance of developing
creativity in our young people’

– -Rod Welford MP, Minister for Education and Training, Minister of Arts, Queensland Government

‘Fantastic. Nigel was very
professional and totally
understood the message I was
wanting portrayed. We received
many favourable comments’

– Linda Gaunt, ADIA

‘Nigel was extremely well received,
an excellent speaker and related his
topic to our people very effectively’

– Reg Eustace, Small Business Development Conference