Julia Palmer is a respected Relational Strategist best known for leading the face-to-face revolution!
She has dedicated her career to cleaning up the negative connotation of the word ‘networking’ by helping to educate business people on the importance of developing strategies to create and manage viable internal and external business relationships.
She has forged her own approach to this critical area of business and developed “NRM – Network Relationship Management” and “Netships – Networking relationships”, which she presents passionately on.
Julia’s expertise includes over 20 years of practice and research. Her corporate career involved global travel and hosting hundreds of conferences in all industries. She has held senior level management positions working for multinational organisations and living in cities spanning Sydney, London, Stockholm, and Singapore, each experience honing her business acumen and evolving her managerial, communication, interpersonal and sales skills. She has personally closed millions of dollars of sponsorships and partnerships along the way and believes firmly in the effectiveness of networking as a career requisite.
Now, in the role that life has been grooming her to take on, Julia works to help people improve their corporate productivity by refining their business relationship strategies. A key part of her ethos focuses on empowering her clients to learn communication techniques that enrich both their personal and professional lives.
As Chief Executive of Relatus, Julia and her team offer advisory and capability development to build new generation human capability. Clients from Fortune 500 to small business have experienced greater levels of success both personally and professionally.
Along with over two decades of real networking experience, Julia Palmer has a Bachelor’s degree in Business and Advanced Certifications in Neuro-linguistics, Emotional Intelligence (MSCEIT), Performance Consulting, Training and Assessment.
Julia is the Channel 7 Kochie’s Business Builders Networking Expert, lectures on networking at various Universities and is the preferred networking trainer to many leading organisations and professional associations.
Julia is a refreshing, engaging and compelling speaker at functions and conferences around around the world. She has authored two books ‘Schmoozing the Globe’ and ‘BUZZ’ and appears regularly in TV, Radio and Print Media promoting the growing importance of networking relationships in business today.