Daniel Flynn

Daniel Flynn

Co-founder of Thank You Water
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About Daniel

“Thankyou Water co-founder Daniel Flynn, believes strongly that young people have what it takes to do ‘the impossible’. He is passionate about inspiring young people to dream big and accomplish ...”

Thankyou Water co-founder Daniel Flynn, believes strongly that young people have what it takes to do ‘the impossible’. He is passionate about inspiring young people to dream big and accomplish what many may say is unachievable.

At the age of Nineteen, Daniel Flynn had a major tipping point in his life when he was deeply impacted by a story of a boy in Africa, who spent his whole day collecting water which due to contamination had resulted in the killing of his two younger sisters. With two sisters of his own and aware of Australians’ bottled water habits, Daniel was catalysed into action. Along with a team of 4 other young Australians, Daniel has lead the launch of a brand of bottled water called Thankyou Water. All of Thankyou Water’s profit funds water projects in developing nations.

Daniel discovered two very opposing facts; Australians spend 600 million dollars on bottled water, while around the world nearly 900 million people don’t have access to safe drinking water. It was these two facts that birthed the concept of Thankyou Water.

Thankyou Water as it is known today started out as a mere dream and after much research the team discovered that it could take over $250,000 of start up expenses to become a reality. Peers and established business people said that it would be impossible to launch the brand. However, in late 2008 they landed deals with major suppliers and distributors around Australia and hit shelves of independent cafes early in 2009.

Today, in Australia, Thankyou Water has over 2,000 stockists, including vending machines, independent stockists, retail and corporate partners (such as BPH) and partnerships with Jetstar, 7-Eleven Australia and Australia Post. It took three years for the Thankyou Water team to sell their first million bottles. Last year they sold 5 million in one year.

Thankyou Water has so far contributed to 58 water projects in Cambodia, Uganda, Kenya, Myanmar and Sri Lanka and over 18,000 people now have access to safe water for the rest of their lives. This year without any increase in sales, they will fund 70,000 people.

An app has also been made available to purchasers where the unique code of a purchased bottle can be entered and provides the consumer with detailed information on the exact water project their purchase will fund. People receive information including GPS co-ordinates of the project, the current issues faced in the respective village and the exact water solution to be provided.

Daniel and members of the team have visited the projects and are inspired by the families they’ve met, many who for the first time have enough safe water to stay healthy and look after their children.

Daniel has a strong passion for entrepreneurship. Whilst volunteering full time for Thankyou Water, Daniel is also finishing his 4-year degree in project management at RMIT University and works a casual job on weekends and evenings selling mobile phones to support himself and his new wife Justine.

Daniel was named state finalist for the Young Australian of the Year Awards in 2012.


What people say about Daniel

Dan Flynn delivered the wow factor to the 300+ members and invited guests at The CEO Institute Summit recently. We were expecting an insight into ThankYou Group’s?success,?but we received that and much more!.?With a rating of 10 out of 10 by over 70%, those gathered were blown away by Dan’s?extremely entertaining and inspiring?tale. As one member stated; “Dan made such an impact on me that I rushed home, gathered my family around the computer and trawled through the Thankyou.co website”. The CEO Institute says; “Thank you, Dan!”.

– The CEO Institute

We had Daniel speak at our Annual Convention and he was nothing short of inspiring . Our group is made up of highly accomplished principals and sales people with years of experience, they can be a tough audience, but he seemed to completely capture them with his energy and conviction so much so that he was given a standing ovation. Well done and thank you.

– Ninette Maddrell (Pittard)

Daniel was wonderful to deal with and provided an outstanding presentation. Not only was his story remarkable to hear about, but Daniel’s speaking ability is to a very high standard. He was funny, genuine and engaging – our audience were captivated by him the entire time. We wish there was more time available within our event so that he could have talked for longer. All the best to Thank you Group for your future endeavours – what an amazing thing you are doing! Well done guys and girls.

– Natasha Swansborough (Enterprise and Training Company Limited)

Dan was engaging and more substantively it was refreshing to see a young entrepreneur be purpose driven by nature and through his business stay true to his own personal values. His alignment to values resonates within our industry, as we have a strong obligation to help our customers be good with their money. Truly inspiring individual and amazing company.

– Gavin Slater, Group Executive Personal Banking (National Australia Bank)

WOW – several weeks after Dan story, the Travelzoo team are still talking about it. The lessons Dan shared can be immediately transferred to the business and referred back to long after his time with us. Dan participation in our offsite meeting was a perfect way to wrap up 2 days of discussion to support our core messages.

– Brad Gurrie, Managing Director (Travelzoo Australia)